Learning About Acid Reflux Is Easy Thanks To This Article

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The irritation, burning, and pain are all terms that can describe acid reflux. Those who were unfortunate enough to experience it know all about alex simring acid reflux. There are plenty of ways to get acid reflux, and there are also plenty of ways to stop it. Keep reading for helpful acid reflux advice.

Acid reflux and poor eating habits often go hand in hand. Eating too quickly or too much can directly cause acid reflux. This unhealthy approach to eating does your body no favors whatsoever. When you feel full, it is time to stop the meal. Slow down your meal eating too. Slowly chew and enjoy your food. After you have taken a couple of bites, put down your eating utensil and rest for a minute.

Fatty foods produce bad acid reflux results. Foods high in fat relaxes the esophageal sphincter which in turn contributes to the acid flowing in the wrong direction. Additionally, they lead to weight gain and this does not help those with acid reflux. Eat better and feel better!

For a good night’s sleep, consider putting a wedge under your mattress to raise your head up to keep acid where it belongs. This can also be accomplished with bricks, books or wood. Electronic beds which can raise the upper portion of the bed are also available too.

Do not lay down for at least two hours following a meal. If you don’t, acid is more likely to rise up toward the esophagus. You will get relief in your esophagus if you sit or stand.

Chew cinnamon gum after meals. This increases saliva production. Saliva works to neutralize stomach acid. Plus, quite often you swallow more when you chew gun, so it clears out any acid that could be in dr alex simring your esophagus. Fruit-flavored gum will accomplish this too. Do not, however, chew gum with mint in it. Mint can actually cause acid reflux, so you may just be making things worse.

There are times that reflux could become so painful that you think you are having a heart attack. Don’t ignore chest pain! Having acid reflux does not stop you from suffering from a heart attack. Seek medical advice as soon as possible. Do not take any risks if you believe your health might be at risk.

Raise the top part of your bed. You can lift up the bed by using bricks, wood or raisers specifically made for raising a bed. Aim to have the head of the bed six inches higher when compared to the foot. You can stop stomach acid from rising into your esophagus by elevating your chest and head during sleep.

Losing weight can decrease your acid reflux symptoms. Obesity is a main cause of acid reflux. Just losing ten percent of dr alex simring your weight can cause acid reflux symptoms to diminish noticeably. Don’t crash diet to lose weight, instead start eating less and exercising more.

While alex simring acid reflux can be terrible, it is not likely permanent. How long acid reflux lasts is up to you. Both preventative and reactive methods should be used to keep you from suffering any longer. This article has provided many excellent tips you can utilize in order to reduce your acid reflux.